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VCCommand.exe is a command line tool residing in the install folder\VCommand folder. The VCCommand is an alternate way, just like the API to interact with a local or remote server. This command line tool is based on command line switches that can perform the following actions at the moment:

  • Run a Job
  • Activate a Job
  • Deactivate a Job
  • Stop a Job
  • Run a Task
  • List Jobs
  • Activate license
  • Deactivate license

You can see existing command switches and examples by running VCCommand.exe without any parameters:

Example: VCCommand --action runjob --connectionmode local --username admin --password xyz --name "Job Id or Name"

Example: VCCommand --action activatejob --connectionmode local --username admin --password xyz --name "Job Id or Name"

Example: VCCommand --action deactivatejob --connectionmode local --username admin --password xyz --name "Job Id or Name"

Example: VCCommand --action stopjob --connectionmode local --username admin --password xyz --name "Job Id or Name"

Example: VCCommand --action runtask --ip --connectionmode remote --username admin --password xyz --name "Job Id or Name"

Example: VCCommand --action runjob --ip --connectionmode remote --username admin --password xyz --name "Job Id or Name"

Example: VCCommand --action listjobs --connectionmode local --username admin --password xyz

Example: VCCommand --logontype ad --action listtasks --connectionmode local

Example: VCCommand --logontype ad --upn --action listtasks --ip --connectionmode remote --port 16444

Example: VCCommand --logontype ad --spn HOST/ --action listtasks --ip --connectionmode remote --port 16444

Example: VCCommand --action activate --r xxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx --connectionmode local --username admin --password xyz

Example: VCCommand --action deactivate --connectionmode local --username admin --password xyz